Turkey is located in a strategic position in the republic of world geography. Our country, which is surrounded by seas on three sides, has a great potential in sea, air, land and rail transportation.

Compared to other transport sectors, maritime transport is safer and cost-effective for large transports. In addition, LNG (natural liquid gas) and LPG (liquid petroleum gas) gases are supplied to our country by sea transportation. In our article today, “WHAT IS PORT? PORT STRUCTURES AND HOW TO DESIGN? And PORT STATIC CALCULATIONS..

What Is Port?

The port is protected against storms, currents and other natural factors; isolated areas of the sea where various services are provided for freight and passenger transport. In another function, ports are special areas where shipbuilding and repairs are carried out.

How To Design The Port?

When designing the port by engineers, the purpose of use of the port, the size and tonnage of ships coming to the port are taken as criteria and according to these criteria, construction of the ports in the appropriate areas are started.

It is possible to classify ports under certain headings. Ports in terms of their establishment; They are classified as Natural Ports, Artificial Ports and Semi-Natural Ports. It is possible to classify ports by looking at their geographical structure. According to their geographical structure, the ports are divided into three seaports, river ports, island and coastal lake ports.

The purpose of the ports (military, commercial, tourism, etc.) is very important in terms of structural design. Because the structural design and static calculations of the port are made for the purpose that the port will serve in the future. In other words, the purpose of the port is very important during the design phase of the port.

Port Structures

Port structures generally consist of off-port and in-port structures.

Duties of offshore structures; to protect the port environment from the effects of the open sea, to prevent the beach sands from approaching the port and its environment, and to protect the port from physical influences and to secure the entrance and exit of the port.

In-port structures can be listed as transport and lowering cranes, warehouses, warehouses, passenger halls and storage areas behind the berthing places. Proper planning of these structures is very important.

The structural designs of the berthing places are determined according to the purpose of use of the ports, the depths of the docks and the condition of the ground.

How To Do Port Static Calculations?

Structural design and static calculations of the ports are important studies requiring expertise. During these studies, extreme caution and possible calculation errors should be avoided. A small error during the calculation will have large, negative consequences, such as a small snowball avalanches. Therefore, the team that will work within the scope of the project should consist of experts in the field.

As mentioned above, the purpose of the ports to be used, the location of the harbor and the tonnage measures of the ports that will approach the port is very important. Moving loads, wind, wave, earthquake loads and possible ship crashes are also important issues to be taken into consideration when performing static calculations.